Second Biggest Diamond ever mined: 1,111 Carat Lucara Diamond



Exciting times! The Lucara Diamond Corporation which operates in Botswana and Lesotho has announced the discovery of the world’s second largest gemstone ever found. Currently, the biggest diamond in the world is the Cullinan Diamond which currently forms part of the British Crown Jewels.


This news is record-breaking as it is the largest diamond discovery for more than 100 years!


Lucara Diamond Second Biggest Diamond ever mined CA Mining


The Lucara Diamond is a highly sought-after diamond, which according to experts, contains no significant amount of nitrogen and is thus colourless and potentially brilliant. To put you into perspective, this diamond is said to be slightly smaller than a tennis ball.

The Lucara Diamond Corporation’s Botswana operations is said to be a “newly constructed state-of-the-art mine” and following recent plant modifications, have enabled the recovery of such exceptional quality diamonds. (The company also just announced the discovery of two “white diamonds” weighing 813 carats and 374 carats before cleaning.)



What would a diamond of this calibre cost? There’s many factors that the cost would depend on. For instance, the size and quality of the diamond will have to be assessed, cut, and polished before it is ready to be sold, which may take many years.


Download and read the company’s press release on the Lucara Diamond



Most likely, the the Lucara Diamond will be sold at a tender in Botswana.

Best you start saving your dollars then, ladies… 😉

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