
This is the Mining Cycle!

The month is April 2014 and class is in session. For this month, my focus will be the processes that make up the mining cycle.

I’ll be taking you on a daily journey into each process that makes up the mining cycle.

Pre-Feasibility – This is the first part of the mining cycle and it assesses whether it would be economically viable for the company to mine/explore in a specific area.

Feasibility –  This part of the mining cycle determines whether mining in a specific area is financially viable.

Exploration – This is the process within the mining cycle which sees miners physically looking for ores to mine.

Mine Construction – This is the part of the mining cycle where the mine, if not already there, is being built/constructed.

Production – This is the exciting part of the mining cycle where actual digging is being done in order to mine the commodities.

Mine closure and rehabilitation – This is the part of the mining cycle where the ores/commodities have now been mined and extracted.

I am excited to provide you with the above information in my more detailed blog posts and it also provides me an opportunity to learn something and better understand the industry within which I and CA Mining work in.

At the end of this all, I wish to know the mining cycle like I know my own name.

CA Mining website