One week ago exactly (6thof February 2014) Kumba Iron Ore, at its Kolomela Mine, hosted a function to welcome its new skills development learners who are making a difference in their lives through the mine’s Skills Training Programme.

skills training development programme

Skills Training Programme2Let’s rewind a bit and talk about Kumba Iron Ore | Kolomela Mine

Kolomela mine is one of Anglo American’s Big Four expansion projects. The mine is situated in the town of Postmasburg in the Northern Cape Province, South Africa. Kolomela means “to dig deeper or further”, or “to persevere”, and the incredible physical strength of Kolomela mine’s lump ore will allow Kumba to remain meeting its customers’ needs.

Kumba Iron Ore Skills Training Programme

The Kumba Iron Ore Skills Training Programme provides local Tsantsabane residents an incredible opportunity to enrich their lives and shape their futures through essential knowledge and work readiness programmes. Carpentry, upholstery, masonry, welding, brick-laying and cabinet making are the fields included in the programme.Kumba Iron Ore Skills Training Programme

Each field provides a unique and comprehensive programme that facilitates the learners with a resourceful platform, enabling them with a fair chance to further their skills and knowledge.  

By completing the Kumba Iron Ore Skills Training Programme, it is clear that the learners will increase their future job opportunities and have the choice to start their own business.

Sixty learners are currently part of the programme and it seems as though the females are the Kumba Iron Ore Skills Training Programme2ones dominating; over 50% of the learners attending the Skills Training Programme are female.  The learners were all placed in their particular courses based on their choice of skill. Anglo American.

Anglo American SA wishes the learners a successful year of full growth and skills development, and that all 60 learners will be skilled and ready to start their new venture by the end of this year. 

Here is what 3 learners had to say…

Obakeng Moncho | Studying carpentry

“I am so happy to be given an opportunity of training and enhancing my skills for a better future with Kolomela mine. From this I would like to gain more experience so that I can start my own carpentry business one day and reduce unemployment in the area”.

Chantelle Tlhageng | Studying welding

“I am very excited as this is a great opportunity for me and it is something I have always wanted. I would like to complete the Skills Training Programme in order to become a well-known entrepreneur within Tsantsabane and create job opportunities and skills in my community.”

Rozanne Witbooi | Studying masonry

“I am very excited and enthusiastic about the Skills Training Programme and I will always be willing to learn more and give my best in all that is taught. After completing the programme I would like to take my skills and go add value and work for Kolomela mine.”
